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Severe Weather - Hurricane Hilary August 18, 2023

As many of you may know, Hurricane Hilary has been forecasted to impact Southern California over the weekend and has the potential to impact our District. Please know that SMID will still be responding to any emergency leaks and/or problems related to our services.  If you need to report any problems, please call our office at (323) 721-4735. Remember to leave a detailed message with our answering service and they will immediately contact our on-call personnel. Your call will be returned within 30 minutes.

Please remember to follow all safety advisory. Click on the links below to help you prepare and monitor hurricane Hilary:

·         The Weather Channel (             southern-california)

·         California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (               advisory-on-hurricane-hilary/)

·         County of Los Angeles Office of Emergency Management (                                       management/)